Kazakhstan plans to open embassy in VN

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State President Truong Tan Sang and his Kazakhstani counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev inspect guard of honor, Astana, September 10, 2012 – Photo: VOV

At the talks, both State leaders have affirmed their determination to strengthen the relations between Viet Nam and Kazakhstan.

They also agreed to maintain exchange of delegations at all levels and regular organization of “cultural days” in a bid to enhance the bilateral relations, particularly in the fields of economics, trade and investment.

The two sides vowed to continue active implementation of the Viet Nam-Kazakhstan Joint Action Plan for the 2011-2013 period and improve the efficiency of the Inter-governmental Committee on economic, trade, scientific and technological cooperation.

Viet Nam always attaches importance to boosting energy cooperation with Kazakhstan, stressed State President Sang, adding that the Southeast Asian country will create favorable conditions for Kazakhstan’s oil companies to exploit oil in the country.

Kazakhstan and Viet Nam along with other two countries, Russia and Belarus, are now working towards the formulation of a free trade area.

State President also took the occasion to thank Kazakhstani leaders and authorities for creating favorable conditions for Vietnamese community living in Kazakhstan.

Both sides expressed their pleasure at the close coordination and mutual support at the United Nations and other international and regional organizations for peace, stability, cooperation and development in Asia and across the world.

They agreed that all disputes in Asia-Pacific must be solved peacefully and in accordance with international law, without resorting to the use of force.

After the talks, the host and the guest witnessed the signing ceremony of a number of documents on plant quarantine, air transport and banking./.

By Hai Minh

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